Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Why is my plants dead?

hi there. nice to know your growing your own stuff. firstly about the strawberries and tomatoes. do you have any pets? coz male dogs and cats of both genders can be a pain weeing on them. also birds might route around disturbing the roots.wots your weather been doing? secondly. yes let your strawberries do what they want.treat them as annuals coz they wont be as good next year anyway. i always use fish blood and bone this time of year but don't get it on the leaves or flowers , it will burn them. i cant think of anything are doing everything right. i wouldn't bring the straw bs in now unless its forecast really cold and wet. you will have to use your own judgement on that im afraid. but they should be ok outside.the potatoes in pots. put the cow dung {if you must] at the bottom of the pot.personally i wouldn't use manure in pots at all unless it is really mature.{doesn't smell} because i find it is too strong and probably does more harm than good. if you used compost {anything without peet} it would be as good and would also give a bit of drainage. all th rest of your criteria for pots is good.have a go and good luck. i hope that was helpful. pb x


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