Friday, December 16, 2011

How is this for an ogy of the illegal alien situation in the United States?

"Joe Citizen" checks in to the "Main Street Hotel" and gets the very last room. The hotel lobby clerk switches on the "No Rooms Available" sign. "Joe Citizen" goes to his room, locks the door, switches on the TV and watches his favorite TV show as he thinks about what he wants to eat before calling room service. Meanwhile back at the lobby several people have arrived including "Jose Legal" who had a reservations but his room was mistakenly rented out, the others in the group did not have reservations and are demanding rooms despite the fact the "No Rooms Available" sign is on. The hotel lobby clerk calls the hotel manager to talk to the group but they stand firm and demand rooms, unsure what to do the hotel manager phones the owner of the hotel chain who tells the manager to double up on rooms, but only "just this ONE time" he says. The hotel manager brings "Jose Legal" to "Joe Citizen's" room and knocks on the door, "Joe Citizen" answers the door as the hotel manager explains he must share his room for the night with "Jose Legal", explaining that it is ok as "Jose Legal" had already paid and had a reservation, frustrated, "Joe Citizen" asks if he has any choice in the matter, the manager tells him no as "Jose Legal" walks in and closes the door. They both order room service and pay for their own meals but argue about what TV show to watch, "Joe Citizen" says he was already watching something before "Jose Legal" showed up and wants to keep watching it, but "Jose Legal" disagrees. Meanwhile back in the hotel lobby another group of people arrive despite the "No Rooms Available" sign. The group, including "Juan Illegal" and "Carlos Illegal" not only have no reservation, but no money to pay the rent and room service bills, demand rooms for their whole group. Again, having been told to never make exceptions again by the owner, denies the group rooms. The group stand firm and again demand rooms vowing not to leave until they are given their rooms. Unsure what to do this time the hotel manager again phones the hotel chain owner and explains the situation, the owner tells the manager to give them rooms by quadrupling up- four to a room. The manager tells the owner that they don't even have any money! And asks who will pay for their rent and room service? The owner tells the manager to charge it to all the paying guests and hangs up. Back at "Joe Citizen's" room he is still arguing with "Jose Legal" about what show to watch on TV as the hotel manager arrives with "Juan Illegal" and "Carlos Illegal" behind him. Knocking on the door "Joe Citizen" and "Jose Legal" answer it to see the hotel manager standing there with two other men, the manager begins to explain that they must NOT ONLY share their room with "Juan Illegal" and "Carlos Illegal" but pay for their RENT and ROOM SERVICE! Outraged, "Joe Citizen" and "Jose Legal" refuse to share the room, but the manager tells them they have no choice in the matter. "Juan Illegal" and "Carlos Illegal" walk in, close the door and make themselves at home, one taking the TV remote and changing it to a Spanish speaking channel, the other walks to the phone and calls room service, they tell "Joe Citizen" and Jose Legal" that they will have to sleep on the floor because "Juan Illegal" and "Carlos Illegal" feel they deserve to get the bed and couch to sleep on. After not getting any sleep, "Joe Citizen" and "Jose Legal" go to the hotel lobby that morning to complain about their rent being doubled,and their phone and room service bills being run up by their uninvited guests. The hotel manager tells them they have to pay and have no other say in the matter. They pay the bills but demand to talk to the hotel chain owner to complain, the hotel manager gives them the owner's phone number, but every time they try to call to complain they just get a busy signal or an answering machine, eventually after calling many times they get a message that the number was disconnected. And never get back the money that "Juan Illegal" and Carlos Illegal" cost them on those hotel bills!


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