Tuesday, December 20, 2011

My mom doesn't understand me?..and I think its my fault?

i get where your coming from your not alone . i use to get in trouble with my mom and do nothing but agrue with her it isnt fun. just do what your mom tells you to without talking back or giving looks. do stuff around the house without being asked if the dishes are dirty wash them if the bathroom needs cleaning clean it if the living rooms a mess clean it organize and fix your room. dont expect a thank you or a reward because you know what my mom use to tell me that it was my reponsibility to help her around. one day she'll thank you. and dont let her words hurt you ignore the fact that shes rude to you at times and about your friends if your friends really felt the way your mom tells you they supposably do they wouldnt be your friends they wouldnt stick around but they do. dont let her get to you when shes home try to get away from her dont talk back. and if your to lazy to do anything keep in mind that its better to get things done at that moment then get yelled at later on by your mom. your way much better then that. dont get in trouble anymore. :]


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